Friday, January 1, 2010

lessons learned in 2009

ten things i learned in 2009.

1. the one relationship i honestly thought would go nowhere, went somewhere BIG.

2. i thought i wanted and was ready for a baby, but i'm not. and i'm really glad i realized that fast.

3. i do enjoy working out and everything fitness related, but i have a bad case of laziness

4. selena gomez is one cool cat. so if your forced to watch is because of a few significant kiddos under the age of 4, you'll enjoy it.

5. the true reason behind my parents divorce, and who my parents really are.

6. high school really does suck compare to college. i don't care what your parents said.

7. NOBODY needs fast food and you actually CAN cut it out, but chick fil a is pretty damn good.

8. how to save money. (unfortunately i learned this in november.)

9. i enjoy working but i hate my jobs.

10. mexican food is very, very, very bad for your body. especially between your knees and breast.


  1. I LOVE me some Chick-Fil-A. If only they had Bojangle's "cajun salt", I would be theirs for life.

  2. Ohhhh yummyyyyyy mexican foood :D we don't have a lot of those over here. Which may be good for me because i wont stop eating those :p
